Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I'm giving away books on BookMooch

Last night I got around to unpacking some books and upon placing them on my new, big cinder block and plank bookshelf, found that I have waaaaay too many books. Many of the books I was putting on the shelf were books that I have no intention in reading or didn't even like and when there is a big box of books I do like that is still yet to be unpacked, this is very troubling.

So it is time to do something I told myself I would never do, that is before I began sharing a one-bedroom apartment with my wife. It is time to get rid of some books.

Instead of attempting to sell my unwanted books on eBay, which has never worked well in the past, I'm going to give BookMooch a shot. BookMooch is a site that allows you to give away the books you don't want in exchange for credits, which in turn allow you to request books from others or donate to charities. The idea of getting rid of the biggest dust collectors on my shelf in exchange for books I really want (all for free!!!) is very appealing.

I already have a few books up. Most are horror novels and anthologies from my "horror fiction is the best thing in the world" phase. No comic books at this time and likely not ever, unless someone gives me a Thor comic or some crap like that. I'll be putting up more and more books in time, especially if this proves to be a success.

Check out my BookMooch profile and what books I'm giving away here. Take a look at what I'm giving away or looking for and if you sign up (which I highly suggest), add me as a friend.

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