Friday, December 01, 2006

I need help with my Batman geekness!

So I'm trying to put together a detailed reading list for Post-Crisis Batman and the only major obstacle I have left is placing the stories from Legends of the Dark Knight somewhere into continuity. I was wondering if you people could help me place the storylines so I don't have to read each and every one to figure it out.

(Yeah, I know that LotDK is not often considered "in continuity," but I'm a completest, so I can't help it.)

I have a few storylines placed already. For instance, "Shaman," takes place some time before and after "Year One." "Venom" occurs before "Long Halloween" (or any other Two-Face origin of your choice) since Harvey Dent is still DA. "Grimm" takes place while Dick Grayson is newly Robin.

So, if you have any suggestions where I can place the storylines loosely in continuity, please let me know. I don't need detailed plot outlines (since I will eventually get around to reading them) just clues (i.e. Dick is Robin, Gordon is Captain, Oracle appears). Stuff like that. If there are no hints to continuity other than a general time frame, such as being an "early years" Batman story, that's okay since I'm making a category for such ambiguous stories.

Thanks and any help will be greatly appreciated!

UPADTE: No more need for help. I was able to get some tips from the ever-helpful nerds at and I was finally able to place every LotDK story line loosely into continuity and now I'm ready to move on to better, less obsessive endeavors.

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