Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil preview online
When I learned of the upcoming Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil miniseries, I was faced with a sort of conundrum. Firstly, this is a Captain Marvel miniseries and if there is one character in the DCU that I have no interest in reading about it is Captain Marvel. I have a hard enough time reading Superman than having to deal with the "Gee willikers" corniness of Shazam. So here's the problem: Jeff Smith is writing and drawing this thing and Jeff Smith is just as incredibly awesome as Captain Marvel is incredibly boring. So what do I do? Do I lay down six bucks for a prestige format book about a character I can't stand even though it is created by one of the greatest writers and artists ever? Or do I just wait for Jeff Smith to do something cooler?
These preview pages from Newsarama help seal the deal.Actually seeing Smith's gorgeous art is a comfort, rubbing my back and telling me everything it going to be okay. Sure, they writing might be a little sub par (I mean, how exactly is Billy supposed to know that the creepy old man's magic word is an acronym?) but it's fucking Captain Marvel. I can only expect so much.
Buy it! Buy it! You know you can't pass up the awesomeness of Jeff Smith! That would be like passing up Darwyn Cooke on The Spirit. The great tastes that go great together!
Thanks for sharing good information. Keep Sharing new update about Shazam for PC.
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