Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I don't like Nightwing anymore

Maybe this is a little late since Nightwing Annual #2 came out a while ago, but this One-Year-Before-One-Year-Later story has sealed the deal: I don't like Dick Grayson.

Now, I do like him as a supporting character to Batman or Tim Drake, and he seems to be cool enough as Robin, but when he is the lead character some of his less appealing traits really shine through. Namely, Dick is a whiny slut.

I've already written about how Dick can't keep it in his pants, but I forgave him for it then. After all, it was One Year Later and everyone in the DC Universe could have done with some action. But as the Annual points out, Nightwing is just a plain ol' slut. According to the Annual, Dick, in a heartbeat, started making out with Barbara and even went to bed with her only to reveal that he was engaged to Starfire at the time! I'm not too familiar with Dick and Kori's relationship, but it's just not cool to sleep around when you are engaged. And, as the ending of the Annual indicates, Dick is still in love with Babs and will return to her some day. Apparently it's okay to sleep with strange fashion designers on the way. And has Dick even talked to Babs since returning to the states? I haven't been reading Nightwing for a few months, but I'm sure he's found some other ways to slut it up along the way back to Babs.

And Nightwing is emooooooo. He's more moody than Batman now! Somehow both Bruce and Tim returned from their world tour better adjusted and more badass, but Dick just got more whiny. Maybe that's what he gets for skipping out early. It seems that Nightwing is just in a bad place and I'm not sure if he'll ever get out of it.

I wish I could blame Dick's angst and promiscuity on one writer, but this appears to be the conventions of his character and that makes me not like him at all. I'm still all about Nightwing teaming up with Robin or Batman or anyone else for that matter. Hell, I loved his role in Infinite Crisis, but on his own he repulses me.

Someone let me know when Dick gets over it.

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