Thursday, May 03, 2007

A few thoughts on Fifty-Two #52

If you haven't ready read it, do so, or else be ready to read some SPOILERS.

I just have to say that it's mighty convenient that Mr. Mind was able to eat all the parts that made the New Earth different from the Kingdom Come earth or the Wildstorm Universe. I mean, just how is it that he didn't create totally different realities, ones we've never seen before, while on his space/time eating binge?

The DCU has gone though so many shuffles and revisions that nothing makes any sense to me anymore. I mean, now that there is a new multiverse, does that mean that the first Crisis is null and void, at least for those Earths that existed back then? Does this mean that every DC/Wildstorm crossover need a dimensional travel explanation? And why even bother have the Charlton or Capt. Marvel worlds? The first Crisis didn't just erase them, it made them obsolete by integrating them into the mainstream DCU.

Sigh. I miss Hypertime.

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